Wagner began settling in Belarus, states the CIA


Wagner began to settle down in Belarus, states the CIA

Wagner, states the CIA, began to build new facilities at the Belarusian military base. Scouts have satellite imagery. Construction is proceeding at a high pace.

Wagner makes no secret of the development in Belarus. Russian media previously reported that Prigozhin had arrived in Belarus, writes xrust. Wagner forces are proposed to be deployed at a military training ground near the town of Osipovichi.

The CIA, commenting on the news, compares satellite images of the training ground on July 14 and yesterday. New on them are «long buildings». Probably the barracks. It's no secret that Lukashenka offered Prigozhin to move to Belarus with the contingent.

The redeployment was approved by Putin, who has already stated that he allows the free change of Wagner's location.

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