Titan exploded or crushed by the deep sea


Titan exploded or crushed by the depths of the sea

Titan, sinking to the Titanic, exploded or crushed by the water column, experts state. All five who were on it died.

Titan, which was searched for five days by a multinational rescue team, was finally found yesterday, writes xrust. Rather, fragments scattered near the Titanic were discovered.

A Canadian robotic vehicle discovered the place of death. Fragments of a tourist submarine were recorded near the bow of the Titanic. The depth here exceeds 4 kilometers.

Among the many small debris are five large fragments — the tail section of the apparatus and two sections of the hull. The bodies were not found. Experts, commenting on the picture, suggest that the submarine exploded or was crushed by the water column.

Specialists cannot name the time of death — there is little information. Even sonar buoys did not record anything — the sounds of an exploding apparatus have specific harmonics.

Robot divers continue to explore the bottom. Rescuers hope to find the remains of the crew.

Other news. The first news about Titan is here. Putin and Zelensky see different things — there. The school is empty — here.

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