This female pose captivates men


This female pose captivates men

This position causes jealousy in women and always attracts men., and this position is called — lordotic. Sexes magazine has published a study on this topic from experts from the University of British Columbia.

In the lordotic position, the lower part of the spine is curved towards the stomach. According to scientists, this posture is natural for mating among female mammals, as it is convenient for successful reproduction. Perhaps this is where such a predictable attitude of men towards this position comes from.

This female pose captivates men

According to research, men are fascinated by the arched back of a woman. Men see this position as attractive, but females perceive the lordotic position of other women as a threat to romantic relationships.

For the experiment, the scientists created six realistic 3D computer models of the female body, which differed only slightly in the angles of the back curve. These models were presented to 82 male and female students to rate the attractiveness of the pose.

This feminine pose captivates men

The lordotic pose turned out to be a signal for women to compete for a man. At the same time, as men noted, women with arched backs were more attractive to them.

This female pose captivates men

For women, the lordotic position is a kind of challenge, a signal that she is looking for a partner. Therefore, many women take it almost instinctively — and not only in bed, but also when walking. They say about such women that they «walk like a duck» — «turning off» the fifth point. If you want to lose weight, then high-protein foods will come to the rescue, about this here

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