The International Court of Justice will assess the role of Russia and Ukraine in the death of MH17


International court will assess the role of Russia and Ukraine in the death of MH17

The international court, patronized by the UN, will deal with the death of MH17 in 2014. The arguments will be presented by Russia and Ukraine. The company that operated the liner was called Malaysia_Airlines.

The international court will begin the proceedings with Ukraine's claim that the Kremlin violated the UN treaty on combating terrorism, xrust notes. It implies the provision and financing of terrorist groups of the DPR. The Western press does not consider the resistance of the citizens of the self-proclaimed republics as a liberation struggle.

Flight MH17, we recall, took off from Amsterdam to deliver passengers to Kuala Lumpur. However, on July 17, 2014, he was shot down over the DPR. The investigation is inclined to believe that the missile that hit the civilian aircraft was Russian. The Russian Federation stated that such missiles were taken off duty long ago, but are being used by Ukraine's air defense.

The upcoming trial is the first meeting of the lawyers of the parties involved in the incident. The international judges proposed a plan for the trial — first Ukraine speaks, then Russia answers. However, the Kremlin has previously stated that this structure is not legitimate.

Last November, a Dutch court ruled that two Russians and one Ukrainian were to blame. They were arrested in absentia and sentenced to life in prison. In sentencing, the judges held to the assumption that Moscow controlled the DNR. However, the presence of the RF Armed Forces in 2014 could not be proved.

Other news. Washington was not protected by fighters — here. The PRC ship went to ram an American — here. Zinino railway crossing — there.

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