When planning a trip to or from Novosibirsk airport, you need to think in advance about how you will get there.
For a Novosibirsk Sheregesh taxi, the price starts from 1 thousand rubles. You will get to the place by a comfortable car — a minivan.
Why is it so convenient to order a transfer from Novosibirsk to airports? Of course, you can get to the city on your own, that is, by minibus or bus. However, there are no buses that go directly to the airports, because the air ports are located outside the capital. Once in the city, you will have to transfer to public transport, and then to the express, which will take you to the airport. All this way you will have to do with luggage in your hands. Believe me, such a difficult road with several transfers will tire you and thoroughly spoil your mood before the trip, and you would hardly want this. It is especially hard for children to endure this path. That is why it is worth giving preference to ordering a transfer from Novosibirsk to the desired airport. The car or minibus will be served wherever you need. You will reach the airport in comfort and not have to worry about missing your plane. Do not think that getting to the airport without ordering a transfer with several transfers will save you money.
Most likely, you will be able to save no more than 100-200 rubles. This is such an insignificant amount that you should not sacrifice your mood and comfort for it!
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