Egg diet 2 weeks

Healthy Eating

Egg diet 2 weeks

Egg diet 2 weeks is a great way to quickly and without the slightest health complications not only tighten the tummy, but also remove extra centimeters from the waist and hips. Those who doubt the effectiveness of this method of losing weight should be reminded that it in itself is very low in calories. At the same time, in terms of the content of nutrients, this food product will give odds to any vitamin cocktail.

Do you want to think clearly and quickly react to the events taking place around you? To do this, you do not need to eat sweet foods, just eat eggs daily and the choline and niacin contained in them will significantly improve the speed of the brain. The 2-week egg diet is perfect for mental workers who have to deal with large amounts of information every day.

If you do not refuse to drink alcohol, then this way to lose weight is essential for you. Since eggs have a beneficial effect on the human liver, removing toxins and poisons accumulated during stormy feasts. For people with weak blood clotting, there is no better opportunity to clean up and think of. Vitamin K helps blood clot better.

If you have problems with metabolic processes or you have a lack of minerals in the body, then in this case, products obtained from chicken will come in handy. Phosphorus, nicotinic acid, calcium, iodine and many other minerals enter your body along with boiled eggs.

The essence of the 2-week egg diet

The essence of this road to a slim figure is as follows. Every day a person should eat one or two soft-boiled eggs for breakfast. Pre-eating half a grapefruit or orange. At lunchtime and for dinner, you can afford no more than 200 grams of boiled lean meat (chicken, veal) or the same portion of steamed fish.

The 2-week egg diet allows you to consume as much as you like during the day liquids (unsweetened green tea, or ordinary non-carbonated water) but less than 2 liters, and in the hot season this number can reach up to 3 liters per day.

During weight loss in this way, it is allowed in case of hunger to eat a small amount of cucumbers, apples, or carrots. The results will not be long in coming. Already on the third day, you will feel a decrease in body fat, and you will see it on the arrow of home scales. Read also in the effective diet for weight loss article Chinese diet

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