Typology of men. Psychological approach


Printing Men. Psychological Psychological. The approach

you ask me: what do we not know about the psychology of the behavior of our dear strong half? And I will answer you: you practically do not know anything about male psychology. In fact, a man is far from the character who is so passionately described by all female magazines for a rather long period, not an irresponsible child and not a kitten that needs your custody and care, no matter how anyone wants to impose it. Throw off your dreams and try to look at reality with my eyes.

Let's get back to the school years and recall the biology lesson. Each type of living organisms has its own typology (a kind of unit for classes). Men in this case are no exception. Immediately discard the definition of a man as the subject of your guardianship. First of all, this is a male who most of his time indulges in the dreams of women who personify their ideal. It can be a girl that he accidentally stumbled upon in transport or saw naked in any of his favorite magazines (trite, but a fact). During the whole day, an ordinary average man … hours devotes his dreams about women, and only the remaining time is distributed to his house, work, a favorite sport and various kinds of small troubles. These dreams are devoid of all kinds of common sense, because they represent us completely different creatures from them. There is no share of truth in this, with the exception of the very distribution of its time.

Typology of men. Psychological approach

So, compiling a typology, we proceed from the aforementioned definition.

1. Man-lover. From one name becomes extremely clear the main function of this type. It is such a man who buys magazines in packs and downloads films from the Internet. He undoubtedly has several toys with virtual partners on a computer. He rarely thinks about responsibility, and therefore is inexperienced to family life. Such a husband will flirt even with sellers and conductors. What is it in him? His other definition is an egoist man. He lives only for himself and for himself. He does not give a damn about your modest gifts on his birthday just like your concern for him. No need to climb out of the skin, trying to tame it! Only when you abandon it.

over your behavior.

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