python dominates everywhere thanks to friendliness. Automation is a creative thing of this language. It contributes to this variety of his reliable libraries.
The automation process will go more smoothly when we get acquainted with Python and Microsoft Excel, writes Xrust.
python, agree-a complex object-oriented language with several functions that use intermediary for managing code fragments. It can be used to perform the framework method, in essence, for all operating frames. It can be downloaded and used for free.
MS Excel is a program for working with spreadsheets for Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS, developed by Microsoft Corporation in 1987. Due to the simplicity of CRUD, at the initial stage of data processing, it has gained great popularity over the years.
In addition, it supports a wide spectrum of formulas for obtaining data from MS files Excel.
Imagine that you need to create accounts on the site for 10,000 employees. Performing this operation will manually drive crazy. After all, the employee must take data from the table in order to insert into the right place. However, everything must be read first.
Having spent an hour on encoding and automating these types of routine tasks, you can simplify your life. Everything costs a lot of smaller Python code.
The Python module called Openpyxl is used to read or write to Excel files. For analysis of data, copying, creating diagrams, tables, adding formulas and other tasks, specialists according to the data use Openpyxl.
workbook: in Openpyxl, the spreadsbook table is called workbook. Workbook can have one or more sheets.
Liszt: a sheet is a separate page consisting of cells used for streamlining data.
Cell: a cell is a point at which a line and a column converge. Conventional representations-A1, A3, B8, etc.
line: line is a horizontal line represented by number (1, 2, etc.) .
Column: title letter denotes a vertical line as a column (a, b, etc.).
To install Openpyxl, you can use the Preferred Installer Program (PIP) command, it is recommended to install in virtual environment.
In Openpyxl, a new spreadsheet called a work book is first created. We use the Workbook () function to create a new work book after the import of the Openpyxl work book is imported.
We download the file using the Load_workbook () function, which accepts the file name as input data. It is necessary to save the file in the same working catalog.
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