This unremarkable fungus, which grows exclusively on deciduous trees, resembles a sponge in its structure. It is thanks to this that the tinder fungus is also known under the name of the larch sponge. The taste of the mushroom is slightly bitter, but in general, it resembles the taste of mushrooms that we are used to.
- How useful is tinder fungus?
- Interesting articles about weight loss
- Benefits of tinder fungus
- You need to carefully lose weight with a mushroom
- How exactly to lose weight with a tinder fungus
- How to prepare a tinder mushroom
- li>
- But, like all products, the tinder fungus has a number of contraindications.
- What is the benefit of the tinder fungus?
- Interesting articles about weight loss
- Benefits of tinder fungus
- You need to carefully lose weight with a mushroom
- How exactly to lose weight with tinder fungus
- How to prepare tinder fungus
- But, like all products, tinder fungus has a number of contraindications.< /h2> You should refrain from using it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, if you have caught a cold or the flu, or if you have recently had major surgery. Reviews of tinder fungi “Be sure to try it! This is cool! In addition to losing weight, you also cleanse the body, which is even better. After taking just a few days I feel much better, I don't walk, I'm already flying down the street! And of course, the main thing is that excess weight just runs away!Most of the procedures recommended by traditional medicine meet with a wary attitude from representatives of official medicine. This fully applies to the use of tinder fungus for weight loss. Firstly, uncontrolled stimulation of the liver and an unauthorized change in the amount of enzymes in the body can lead to the most unpredictable consequences, especially if the main cause of obesity is a sedentary lifestyle and overeating, and not liver dysfunction. Secondly, taking tinder infusion is dangerous for those who have even the most minimal digestive disorders, as side effects may develop, up to cholelithiasis and pancreatitis. The effectiveness and safety of using tinder for weight loss has not been confirmed in any way, so you need to use it with the utmost care, being aware that the risk in this case far outweighs the possible result. If you liked the article, we recommend reading< /h3> The Psychology of Weight Loss: The Key to Beating Nervous Eating Eating Stereotypes
- Reviews of tinder fungi
- If you liked the article, we recommend reading< /h3> The Psychology of Weight Loss: The Key to Beating Nervous Eating Eating Stereotypes
What is the benefit of the tinder fungus?
Scientists who have studied the tinder fungus have concluded that it stimulates the production of enzymes that break down fats, normalize liver function and blood sugar levels.
Interesting articles about weight loss
Using tinder fungus for weight loss, you can cleanse the blood of harmful substances such as cholesterol and toxins, as well as cleanse the skin of various rashes.
Benefits of tinder fungus
< p>The tinder fungus is absolutely harmless to the body, it can be used by everyone; thanks to the active components in its composition, the tinder fungus stimulates the liver and metabolic processes, and therefore the body is naturally cleansed of harmful substances and kilograms; tinder fungus is effective even where there is no fact of overeating, and weight problems are caused by body disorders; according to women who are overweight and have tested the effect of tinder fungus on themselves, it is actually very effective in combating excess weight and concomitant diseases of the liver, bile bladder, stomach and pancreas.
You need to carefully lose weight with a mushroom
Do not forget that the use of tinder fungus in large quantities can be dangerous and unpredictable. Before using the tinder fungus for weight loss, you need to consult a doctor. Be careful, besides the tinder fungus, chaga mushrooms and larch sponge also grow on trees. Chaga produces a different effect, and the larch sponge is generally poisonous!
How exactly to lose weight with tinder fungus
There are many recipes for tinder fungus for weight loss. Below are recipes from which you can choose what suits you best.
But the main thing to remember is that if your result in weight does not change for a while, then it is better to take a break for about three months and then try again miracle mushroom.
Take thirty grams of tinder fungus, put it entirely in a deep bowl and pour in one and a half glasses of cold water. In the morning, pull out the mushroom, cut into small pieces, put in a thermos, add the water in which it has lain all night plus a glass of warm. Insulate a thermos, for example, by wrapping it in a blanket and leave for twelve hours. After this time, strain the drink and drink all day in small portions, not earlier than thirty minutes before meals.
The same piece of mushroom can be used about twice without losing its properties. There are no time limits here either, this infusion can be drunk for months. Take one and a half kilograms of finely chopped tinder fungus, add five hundred grams of wild rose, one hundred milliliters of black tea and one liter of boiling water. Leave to brew for at least four hours. Then heat the infusion in a saucepan, pour into a thermos, add five hundred milliliters of milk and mix very thoroughly. Drink this should be half a glass thirty minutes before a meal.
For taste, it is allowed to add one teaspoon of honey to a serving. Finely chop the tinder fungus, take half a teaspoon and add two hundred milliliters of boiling water. Put in a water bath and heat for about fifteen minutes. And drink all day long. Grind the fungus into powder. Take a glass of water and add one teaspoon of tinder powder to it. Mix everything well and drink immediately. This should be done twice a day, always at least half an hour before meals. Grind the fungus into powder. Take two hundred and fifty milliliters of vodka and dilute it with the same amount of water. Add two teaspoons of tinder powder, mix and pour into a covered container. Keep in the refrigerator for three days before use. Drink one tablespoon in the evenings.
If you want to not only lose weight, but also get rid of toxins and carcinogens that are unnecessary in your body, prepare an oil tincture. To do this, take 5 gr. tinder powder, fill it with vegetable oil heated to 37 ° C, and insist in the refrigerator for at least 7 days. You can ask your doctor about the dosage.
How to prepare tinder fungus
The mushroom is knocked down from the tree with sticks or cut down with an ax. Then it is cleaned by cutting off the crust with a sharp knife, and a natural remedy is obtained. The collection of tinder fungus is usually carried out in spring and early summer, as well as in autumn. Dry in a warm, well-ventilated room or on stoves.
But, like all products, tinder fungus has a number of contraindications.< /h2>
You should refrain from using it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, if you have caught a cold or the flu, or if you have recently had major surgery.
Reviews of tinder fungi
“Be sure to try it! This is cool! In addition to losing weight, you also cleanse the body, which is even better. After taking just a few days I feel much better, I don't walk, I'm already flying down the street! And of course, the main thing is that excess weight just runs away!Most of the procedures recommended by traditional medicine meet with a wary attitude from representatives of official medicine. This fully applies to the use of tinder fungus for weight loss. Firstly, uncontrolled stimulation of the liver and an unauthorized change in the amount of enzymes in the body can lead to the most unpredictable consequences, especially if the main cause of obesity is a sedentary lifestyle and overeating, and not liver dysfunction. Secondly, taking tinder infusion is dangerous for those who have even the most minimal digestive disorders, as side effects may develop, up to cholelithiasis and pancreatitis. The effectiveness and safety of using tinder for weight loss has not been confirmed in any way, so you need to use it with the utmost care, being aware that the risk in this case far outweighs the possible result.
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