- Dance of metabolism: is it possible to lose weight without training? burns calories even when you sleep
- Basic metabolism (BMR)
- thermogenesis and digestion
- involuntary activity
- can I lose weight without training?
- Nutrition-the key to the success
- the advantages of training that you miss
- conclusion
- Control the size of the portions. Even healthy products can cause weight gain if there are excessive quantities.
- Choose products with low calories, such as vegetables and fruits, to feel full calories.
- Avoid empty calories from sweets, fast food and carbonated drinks.
- Drink enough water. Sometimes a feeling of thirst can be confused with hunger.
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- food for beauty that work better Creams
metabolism dance: is it possible to lose weight without training?
In a world where fitness and training have become almost religion, the idea that you can lose weight without lifting a dumbbell and without running in the morning, it seems blasphemous. However, as in any good story, there is an unexpected turn. Our body is a complex mechanism that burns calories even when we do nothing. Let's figure out how it is possible.
how the body burns calories, even when you sleep
Imagine an orchestra that plays a symphony while you sleep. This orchestra is your metabolism. Even when you rest, your body continues to work: your heart beats, lungs breathe, cells are updated. All these processes require energy that comes from calories.
The main metabolism (BMR)
The main metabolism (BMR) is the number of calories that your body consumes at rest in order to maintain vital activity. Even if you spend all day in bed, your body will burn calories to maintain body temperature, work of organs and other basic functions. BMR is about 60-75% of the total calorie consumption and depends on age, gender, weight and muscle mass.
Thermogenesis and digestion
Your body also burns calories when you eat. This is called thermogenesis induced by food. The process of digestion, absorption and distribution of nutrients requires energy, which adds another 10% to your daily calorie consumption.
involuntary activity
Even if you do not train, you still move: blink, gesture, change the pose. These small movements also contribute to the burning of calories. This is called involuntary physical activity, and it can be up to 15% of the total energy consumption.
can I lose weight without training?
Now that we know that the body burns calories even at rest, the question arises: is it possible to lose weight without training? The answer is yes, but with reservations. Losing weight is the result of calorie deficiency when you consume less calories than you burn. Theoretically, you can create a calorie deficit due to nutrition, but it may not be as simple as it seems.
Nutrition-the key to success
Proper nutrition plays a decisive role in the process of losing weight. Here are some tips that will help you create a calorie deficit without training:
the advantages of training that you miss
Although losing weight without training is possible, it is worth remembering the advantages of physical activity that you miss. Training not only help burning calories, but also strengthen the cardiovascular system, improve mood and increase energy. In addition, physical activity helps to increase muscle mass, which can increase your BMR and help burn more calories at rest.
losing weight without training — this is possible, but requires strict control of nutrition and a conscious approach to lifestyle. However, if you want to not only lose weight, but also improve the overall health of your health, training will become your reliable ally. Ultimately, the choice is yours, but remember: your body is your most valuable asset, and taking care of it should be a priority.
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