How to please a man? Appearance, attitude, behavior


Every woman dreams of a chosen man. It will not be difficult to achieve this if you follow some rules. Six simple rules and a key to his heart were found

The first rule and the main one: take care of yourself. Your appearance should be as close as possible to the ideal.

The second rule. In no case do not try to remake your lover. You need to take a man as he really is. We are all living people, and each person has his own weaknesses and the right to mistake. Therefore, do not blame your man, this is wrong. Do not forget that you fell in love with him for what he is as it is.

Share his interests and hobbies with a man. If he loves to watch football, lying on a sofa with a bottle of beer, so why not make him a company and not cheer for his favorite team? Sit with him next, and your presence will not be unreleased. The sympathy and respect of a man will increase to you sharply.

How to please a man? Appearance, attitude, behavior

The third rule. Take care of your man and respect his opinion. You must show with all your appearance that the opinion of a man is very important for you. But this does not mean that you should not have your opinion and agree with it in everything. Men like that a woman has her own point of view. You need to know the time and place when this point of view can be expressed. The scene of jealousy with all those present is unlikely to appeal to your chosen one. Delicacy and tact are the basis for a strong relationship.

Fourth rule. Fill together with cultural events, make it interesting and bright. Think about romantic events. It all depends on your imagination: whether it will be a visit to the opera or a trip to the lake shore, or maybe a flight on a balloon diving with scuba gear. A romantic dinner is a classic of the genre.

Fifth rule. It is very important for a man that his friends and relatives like you. Find a common language with his family, this will make you even more attractive in his eyes.

The sixth rule. It is important for a man to feel like a man! Leave heavy strips for him, let him give you a hand, leaving the transport, opens the doors, hangs a coat and much more. Do not deprive him of this opportunity,
and the last

do not forget that you are a woman, and he is a man, which means he will definitely like it!

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