How to lead a house without quarrels, swearing and violence


How to lead a house without quarrels, swearing and swearing and swearing and curse The violence

how to lead the house-the generally accepted model of the behavior of spouses is given in the comedy» Divorce in American. » There, the main event unfolds against the background of washing dishes.

As quarrels, because of household chores, they grow into court litigations, people know XRUST psychologists. The imbalance in the work on the house between married men and married women is well documented. Most enrolling enmity earn approximately the same amounts. When it comes to housekeeping, today's couples believe that old gender standards have gone out of fashion.

How justice actually looks, depends on the couple. For some people, this can be as close as possible to the separation of 50/50. Psychotherapists say that sometimes couples are hung up on the idea of ​​a perfectly equal division of labor. However, they do not realize that family relationships are not a job work.

After all, a double income of partners can have different types of work. For example, a different work schedule. A psychologist working as military families watched how spouses are forced to move often.

It had to be considered a soldier’s workload. True, it usually received more. In such cases, wives who understand the situation usually contributed to non -conflict. Psychologists often heard from them: he earns more, so he should plow at home less.

Psychotherapists admit that there is no only correct answer. The main thing is that both sides should feel comfortable and help each other. Methods of solving home problems are produced by the heads of spouses. If both are not enough brains, no tips will help.

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