How to get courage and invite your passion on a date


How to get courage to set a date for a girl? The situation suggests that you have already looked at her. There is a guide to overcome fear.

inhale, exhale …

anxiety is not a joke Xrust, especially when it comes to your hobby. We begin our own education in determination with breathing technique. Inhale deeply for two seconds, then exhale for four seconds. During breathing, visualize your “happy state tied to the situation.”

For example, imagine a beach, a park or just a family conversation. Anxiety is usually characterized by body tension. We recommend that you learn to relax it — shake it with your arms, legs, lower your shoulders, relax your face.

Compose your parting words

we are usually our own critics. Therefore, it is important to put your psyche into a motivation mode. Compose short phrases that determine the goal. First pronounce them aloud. Then you will learn how to motivate yourself with an inner voice.

Be sure to repeat the phrases daily. The more you practice in their pronunciation, the more your self -esteem will grow. Say goodbye to these negative thoughts!

Be specific in your intentions

before approaching your passion, it is important to know what exactly you want to tell her. Do not approach her with an indefinite offer like “let's go to”. The last thing you want is to make misunderstanding. Be specific in your intentions (this will show that you want to know it better). Offer a date, for example, a trip to the cinema, on graduation or on the upcoming school football match.

Find a favorable time

When it comes to a decisive step, you should find the right time. It is also important to have space. Ideally, invite when both of you do not have a timekeep. However, having made a passion in a cafe — just daret.

and the last — prepare several topics for conversation. You can start with the weather.

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