Knowledge of what is part of the toothpaste will help you figure out the statements about what exposure to various Products have a smile.
Agree that the window with the toothpaste is simply discouraged, writes Xrust. All the trouble in the inscriptions on the tubes. Most buyers do not submit the purpose of the substances that make up the paste.
Manufacturers tend to emphasize some advantages and soak about others. These can have addictions. Buyers often choose them according to the principle-this one is from periodontitis, and this one is for sensitive teeth.
Protection of potential damage
The subtitle submitted in the subtitle is the main function of the toothpaste containing fluoride. It happens in several different forms — for example, tin fluoride, sodium fluoride. Other ingredients, such as hydroxyapatitis and various types of calcium and phosphates, can help strengthen the effect of fluoride. And without it they are useless.
the health of the gum
fluoride tin can also be acting active ingredient, since it has antimicrobial properties. Some other toothpaste ingredients can also be aimed at reducing gingivitis, including some zinc compounds and even essential oils. Among the latter-eucalyptus or menthol.
Abrasive ingredients in the toothpaste, such as sodium bicarbonate (better known as baking soda) or sodium citrate, are often advertised as bleach. Hydrogen peroxide can also be used for bleaching. Experts say that although any toothpaste can help you get rid of coffee, wine, tea tracks on your teeth, the force of whitening toothpaste is limited. After all, it is on the teeth for only a few minutes. Whitening stripes, on the other hand, as a rule, require at least 15 or 30 minutes of contact with your teeth.
Control of tartar < /p>
Tartar is a solid yellowish A substance that forms when the plaque remains on the teeth and hardens, and only professional brushing can remove it. But some ingredients, such as tetranatripypyrophosphate will help prevent the formation of tooth stone.
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