How many sweets can a child eat per day?

Healthy Eating

how a gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences Alexei Gollenko, will be safe for the child, will be safe for the child.

The doctor noted that the child cannot eat so much chocolate to harm himself. It's just that the child will not be able to master it. Therefore, due to the harm from caffeine, you should not worry.

a, as for the calorie content and sugar content in specific candy products, different products contain different amounts of sugar, so you need to look at the composition.

The most natural and useful product is considered to be a high cocoa content (more than 40 %); It is better to give preference to the dark and bitter varieties of this delicacy (the best option is 40-50 %cocoa content); Cocoa’s milk chocolate contains much less (not more than 35 %), and there is much more sugar;

Chocolate in large quantities contain carbohydrates, and for the body and brain it is the main source of energy. Children constantly spend energy on development and growth, movement and cognitive process.  Thanks to chocolate, you can quickly make up for these energy losses. Chocolate also has a lot of potassium and phosphorus salts that are involved in growth and development processes, and chocolate also gives calcium milk.

Chocolate — A powerful antioxidant, a means to stimulate immunity. Plus, this delicious delicacy raises the mood and brings so much pleasure and joy! Therefore, leading specialists and scientific nutritional institutions recommend chocolate, but with one reservation — it should be in moderation.

so, for example, according to nutritionists and doctors, the amount of chocolate per day should not exceed 50 grams. < /p>

We must remember that chocolate is a stimulator of the nervous system, so you should not give it to the child at night, the baby will sleep badly; It is better to give it in the first half of the day, when calories are spent most actively.

and also, to the question of whether chocolate for a child is 1 year old and younger, there is no unambiguous answer — no. Due to the frequent use of chocolate (as a very sweet treat), the child can abandon other (less sweet) products, for example, fruits. The most correct will be: wait a year or two, so as not to harm the child's body. Why do children should not give honey, read here, and why a lot of toys — This is bad, read here

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