He made his Greek mother Tiktok star


He He made his Greek mother Tiktok star

It all started in Tiktok at the end of 2020, when the stand-up comedian Has Constantellis put on a light wort of Pazha and spoke with a strong accent to demonstrate how his Greek mother prepares Tsatsiki.

Soon he began to take off his mother Julia, writes Xrust. In the video of 2021, Julia tiredly leaned against the kitchen slab, smoking a cigarette to the filter itself. He asks her in Greek about what dishes she cooked for Christmas, and then translates her answer.

The video collected hundreds of comments from 240,000 HAS subscribers, many of which identified themselves as children or the grandchildren of immigrants who have found a similarity in Julia's behavior: rude, but caring, cynical, but supporting children.

Gus, who is now 32 years old, drew inspiration in the comics, being an American in the first generation, and created a gross character for many videos. These in Tiktok quickly gained popularity. Especially in the pandemic.

The video often focused on the exceptional culinary skills of Julia, since it skillfully prepared classic Greek dishes as kulurakia (cookies with oil) and spanacorizo ​​(rice with spinach), but it was its natural comic rhythm and it A straightforward feed combined with the translation of HAS and contagious laughter behind the frame attracted the audience.

Success on the Internet brought him to work on a culinary book with his mother. She agreed. After all, the idea to preserve the recipes accumulated by the family is not only rational.

Gus began to study some recipes for his mother shortly after moving to Los Angeles in 2014 to work as a television screenwriter. Here he was in wait for the curves. In some recipes, the components were measured by a certain red cup. He had to call his mother to clarify the volume.

Returning to New York in 2018, in order to engage in a full-fledged career in the stand-up, Gus received more opportunities to study Julia's culinary wisdom, replenishing her own skills-which was clearly important for her, because she often claimed to be in The video of his son that he and his brothers needed to know her recipes before she dies.

Of course, the mother died, but the book with her recipes was still published.

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