The benefits of cereals for the body cannot be overestimated. For breakfast, many people eat hearty porridge, for lunch and dinner cereals can be used as a hearty side dish. These products are appreciated not only for their nutritional value, but with their help you can carry out well -improving body cleansing, lose weight.
in everyday nutrition, rice, buckwheat, millet are most often used, but recently more and more popularity thanks Corn croup uses its unique and extremely useful properties. Composition
Corn cereals are made of corn grains, five types are different depending on the variety of the plant and the degree of grinding. Corn croup is a storehouse of useful substances. It includes:
- microelements — copper, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, silicon, phosphorus, zinc, boron, titanium, aluminum;
- vitamins: a, a, E, vitamins of group B (B2, B3, B6, folic acid);
- saturated fatty Acids;
- gross dietary fiber (fiber);
- starch.
All these components in the croup are contained in rather large quantities and are able to satisfy almost a quarter of the daily need for them. In addition, after heat treatment, the beneficial substances remain in the previous composition and are not destroyed.To prepare delicious and nutritious porridge, it is necessary to take only fresh groats, since it contains more beneficial vitamins and minerals. It is impossible to store it for a long time, porridge from the old lying corn is very bitter. It is necessary to cook such a dish for a long time, although if steamed cereals are taken, then the cooking time can be significantly reduced. You can add sugar and milk to the porridge — you get a wonderful breakfast; Porridge with berries or fruits is an excellent independent dish, unusually tasty and fragrant.