Aaron Goodwin submits for divorce — his wife ordered him


Aaron Goodwin submits for divorce & ndash; his wife ordered

Aaron Goodwin, the Ghost Adventures star is going through hard times. Last week, when he starred in a show in Los Angeles, he was informed about his wife’s arrest.

Aaron Goodwin found that his wife was not just arrested. The police took her on suspicion of ordering his murder. Aaron had no idea that their marriage was unhappy. After all, social networks are full of posts about their mutual love. Now he filed for a divorce.

Now it is known that the wife even managed to pay the killer. However, Aaron wrote to the court that the property would share in half. But alimony should not be assigned to him or his wife.

Aaron also wants to restore his status of a bachelor. The lawsuit said: “The views, tastes, sympathy and antipathy of the husband and wife became incompatible to such an extent that it became impossible for them to live together … in marital harmony. There is no possibility of reconciliation. ”

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